You realize you're passionate about writing when the characters come to life and take control of the page. ~ Nicole Carlson

About Nicole

Nicole Carlson grew up in Denver, Colorado and always had a passion for writing. Once as a child she even wrote a children's book on the inside of her closet door with chalk. It's still there at her parents house. She dabbled in writing all through her life but could never finish a novel she started. It wasn't until she had her first child and became a stay-at-home mom that she realized how much of a passion writing was.

Up until she quit her human resources job and became a mother to a very demanding little person, she spent her time writing several business manuals and trainings for various companies. It was writing but not the kind of writing that she was passionate about. It wasn't until she wrote her first novel during Nanowrimos writers challenge that she took hold of the idea of becoming a writer. Now it's become her cup of coffee or drink of choice.

Without writing the world would be a wordless place.

She still lives in the state with her extremely supportive husband and two amazing daughters.